For the latest information on regular events during the pandemic please see our Facebook page!
Community Cafe
Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a chat at St Buryan School's Garden Room from 3.15pm every Tuesday/Thursday during term time. Everyone welcome!
Communion and Cake
For some people access into the church is a challenge, so we are very lucky to have a generous offer from St Buryan Academy to use their new Garden Room, which has easy access, is warm and has a kitchen and toilet, for a new simple short communion service followed by cake and tea, on the 2nd Thursday every month, at 4pm, starting Thursday 14th June. Everyone welcome.
Sennen Churchtown Hall
Jane Atkinson writes: I am a responsible for collating the "Friends of Sennen Churchtown Hall" list. So if you would like to be on the friends of Sennen Churchtown Hall list to be kept in touch with events and news please email with your email address and name. Thank you!
Reading in Church
Just a gentle reminder please, if you swap your Sunday reading/ Intercessions with someone else please don’t forget to either tell the person who organises the readings/readers on Sunday mornings, or mark the swap on the master copy in the vestry.
The Lands End Benefice Youth Group
This group meets monthly for fellowship, fun, food and fabulous times!
This group is for young people from usually from the last term of year six and into secondary education. This is very much a church group and so the membership is dependent on church connection. Further details please contact Canon Vanda Perrett 01736 810216 or
Diocesan Newsletter
There is no doubt that a regular publication is vitally important for sharing news and keeping everyone updated on what is happening in and around our diocese. This monthly, FREE, four-page newsletter will be sent out via email at the end of each month replacing the weekly e-bulletin and it will also be available via the Diocesan website at Use the material in this monthly newsletter and do gossip the gospel and use all the means open to us to share our good news story. If you have an idea, news story or diary date, please get in touch with the Diocesan office by calling 01872 274351 or email
Safeguarding Policy
The Diocesan Policy is ‘Responsible Caring’ A Link is available on our websites, and paper copies from Canon Vanda. Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact: Our Benefice Lead Safeguarding Co-ordinator is Caroline Gill. Named contact at St Levan, Bridget Hugh Jones and Sennen Sarah Stanton Nadin. Tel contact for all via the Rectory: – 01736 810216
In the Diocese: Sarah Acraman Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: 01872 274351
Out of Hours for after 5pm and weekends: 01208 251300
In emergency situation: Local Authority Children’s Social Care: 0300 123 1116
Local Authority Adult’s Social Care: 0300 1234131
Facebook users
Don’t forget to visit our Facebook page: “Land’s End Churches” Do click “Like” and “Following” to get the updates regularly.