Regular Events:
During the current pandemic please see our Facebook page for the latest details
Midweek Services
Eucharist in St Buryan Tuesday 10am on 1st
Eucharist in St Levan Thursday 10am on 10th 17th 24th
Due to a change in attendance levels at the mid week services, and the changing needs of those who wish to attend, we shall be trialling a new pattern of one midweek Eucharist between October and Holy Week. We shall revert to twice weekly during the summer season. This has been decided after consultation with the attendees, Church Wardens and the ministry team. Therefore in March we shall meet once on a Tuesday in St Buryan and all other weeks on Thursdays in St Levan.
Choral Evensong A gentle reflective service from the Book of Common Prayer, led by a member of the Ministry Team with choral singing by St Buryan Church Choir.
Book and Jigsaw Club For dates during the pandemic please contact the Rectory
St Buryan church. Free coffee and biscuits and borrow as many books and/or jigsaws as you like, as long as you return the same number within 3 months.
Breakfast Club Come and enjoy tea, coffee, OJ, toast, croissants, bacon to set you up for the day. Everyone is very welcome. Cost £2 (all profits for church funds). Contact Fiona 810739 or 07846230189 for further details during the pandemic.
Messy Church Sennen Church Town Hall - dates tbc durig the pandemic
Menwinnion Care Home 10.30am on 4th Wednesday, subject to Covid guidance, please contact Menwinnion for details
Other Events: please also check Facebook Land’s End Churches page and the websites for more details.
Contact details The Ministry Team
The Rector: Revd Adam Thomas 07968 434328 The Rectory, St Buryan, Penzance TR19 6BB
Retired Priest: Revd Michael Searle 01736 810218
Reader Brian Simpson 01736 871631
Retired Reader: Dr Mike Hersant 01736 810627