St Sennen

Regular Services in church are at 11.00 a.m (there is a united benefice service once a month at 10:00am this which rotates around St Sennen, St Buryan and St Levan churches, see noticeboards and the Land's End Churches facebook page for info.

Please come and join us! All welcome!

The Church is open most days for private prayer daily 10am-4pm

Services 2025


2025 St. Buryan  St. Levan  St. Sennen 
  10am  9.30am  11am 
March 23 "Come and Join us" Eucharist  9:30am Eucharist  11:00am
Lent 3  Informal Service  The Revd. Adam The Revd. Adam 
  LWL Thomas Thomas 
  6.30 Evensong     
March 30 Eucharist  Eucharist Eucharist
Lent 4  The Revd. Adam The Revd. Brin The Revd. Brin
Mothering Sunday  Thomas Berriman Berriman
April 6   Benefice service  
Lent 5  xxxx  The Revd Adam xxxx 
Passiontide Begins    Thomas  
April 13 Eucharist  Eucharist  Service of the Word 
PALM SUNDAY The Revd Adam  The Revd. Michael Searle  LWL 
Start of Holy Week Thomas     
Thursday April 17   Benefice service  

Foot Washing, Altar Stripping and Watching. Rev Adam Thomas

Friday April 18 Revd Adam Thomas Revd Adam Thomas  Revd Adam Thomas 
GOOD FRIDAY 2:45pm  12 noon  1:15pm
Saturday April 19 Benefice First Eucharist     
HOLY SATURDAY of Easter.  xxx  xxx 
EASTER EVE  Revd Adam Thomas     
APRIL 20  Benefice Sonrise Service    
EASTER DAY Sennen Beach 6:15am Eucharist Revd Michael Searle 10am Eucharist Revd Adam Thomas 9:30am Eucharist Revd Adam Thomas 11:00am




We are now have a Priest-in-Charge Revd Adam Thomas, based in the vicarage in St Buryan Contact 07968 434328,, The Rectory, Rectory Rd, Church Buryan, TR19 6BB




For general enquiries please contact Churchwarden on 07850 665941.

Requests for funerals, weddings and christenings will be handled with assistance of clergy from within the Lands End Benefice, St Just Parish and Penlee Cluster. 







including Service sheets for Sundays!

Visit our Facebook page for more Services and live Evening prayers!

You can DONATE here to support Sennen Church 


Scroll down for our calendar of all events!



All are welcome to worship at St Sennen Church,

the times and details of which can be found here.

We would love to worship with you!



Ensuring that children and young people, as well as adults, are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

In the Parish:

Sarah Stanton Nadin  Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator,

Tel: 01736 810216

In the Diocese:

Sarah Acraman Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser 

Tel: 01872 274351

Out of Hours for after 5 pm and weekends:

01208 251300

In an emergency situation:

Local Authority Children’s Social Care: 0300 123 1116

Local Authority Adult’s Social Care: 0300 1234131


Scroll down for our calendar of all events!


We believe in an inclusive Church – church which does not discriminate on any level, including: economic power, gender, mental health, mental ability, physical ability, race or sexuality. We believe in a Church which welcomes, accepts and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.


Mission Statement

To know, and to make known, Jesus Christ as Lord. To grow in our knowledge and love of God and to serve this community in His name.

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